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Three A.M. Wake-Up Call: The Terror Project Volume 3
June 2018
Featuring CLINTON ROAD by Rob Watts


When Melissa's marriage comes to a grinding halt, she moves from Manhattan to a remote cabin in New Jersey along Clinton Road, the most haunted road in America. Desperate to escape the memories of her soon-to-be ex-husband and anxious to reinvent herself as a self-sufficient woman, Melissa ignores the warnings of the notoriously evil road and forges ahead with her new life plans. Little by little, however, the surrounding folks and menacing elements seem to break her upbeat spirit, and little by little, the road robs her of her sanity. Will Melissa overcome the obstacles put before her, or will she fall victim to the menacing depths of Clinton Road? 

Press Release From Books & Boos Press: 

Books & Boos Press is pleased to reveal the cover for our upcoming release, Three A.M. Wake-Up Call. The third and final installment in the Terror Project series, the collection features three novellas: “Chew Toys” by Nick Cato, “Clinton Road” by Rob Watts, and “Roons” by David Daniel. 

The cover was created by artist A.L. Cortez, who designed the covers for Triplicity and Three on a Match, the other two books in the series. “I wanted each book to share elements that tied them together—the recurring central figure, whom I’ve come to think of as a ‘terror muse’—and repeating illustrations forming a pattern in the background. But I also strived to make each cover uniquely its own.”

The stories in Three A.M. Wake-Up Call bring the series to an end by returning to more traditional, haunting horror. Cato’s “Chew Toys” answers the question, What if Son of Sam killer David Berkowitz wasn’t lying about his neighbor’s dog ordering him to kill? with entertainingly gruesome glee. Watts’s “Clinton Road” follows the path of a woman struggling with the disintegration of her marriage who takes up residence on a road steeped in urban legend and rumored paranormal activity. The collection ends with Daniel’s “Roons,” in which a man in his middle years returns home to find a haunting mystery that has waited decades to be unearthed.
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